Washington DC

Looking for a mold expert near you?
FDP Mold Remediation of DC offers excellent professional service with the technical knowhow for safe and effective mold remediation.
We are IICRC certified, licensed and insured.

IICRC Certified
EPA Certified
FDP Mold Remediation of DC
Hours: Monday through Sunday, all day [map & reviews]
Phone: 202-779-9579
Dispatch point: Morse St NE, Washington, DC 20002

Mold Remediation in Washington, DC

What Is Mold and Why Remediate It?

Mold is a kind of fungus that grows in conditions that are warm and moist. It is potentially disturbing especially to the health and well-being of the room occupants wherein it emerges. Molds mainly thrive in the hot summer months as this is the time when the conditions necessary for their growth and survival are optimal.

They have to be eliminated to forestall the dangers that come along with them. This is where mold remediation services come in handy. These are basic strategies that are meant to remove, clean, sanitize, demolish, and treat molds and mold-contaminated surfaces.

Nowhere are these services crucial as the Washington, DC area owing to its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, high humidity levels especially in summer, and lower elevation - conditions which are all crucial for the growth and proliferation of molds.

For mold remediation in Washington, DC, look to no other company other than, FDP Mold Remediation of DC. We indeed have the wherewithal necessary to accomplish this task perfectly well, as you shall deduce from the proceeding discussions.

Signs That It's Time to Schedule Mold Removal Services

What is the mold truth about living in Washington DC? Anyone who's lived in the DC area for some time knows that mold is a serious problem there. From damp basements and bathrooms to leaky ceilings and attics, there's no escaping it. And while most people are content to just live with the mold and hope for the best, this isn't the best strategy.

So how can you tell if you need mold removal services in your house or office?

There are a few tell-tale signs:

  1. You can see visible patches of mold on walls or ceilings.
  2. You notice musty odor coming from specific areas of your home.
  3. You or someone in your family has developed unexplained respiratory problems.
  4. Your home feels damp or humid even when the weather is dry.

What can you do if you suspect you have a mold problem in your home or working place? The first step is to call a professional mold removal service like FDP Mold Remediation of DC. We'll quickly identify the source of the problem and develop a plan to remediate mold quickly and safely. Just call 202-779-9579!

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highly rated by our happy customers
I recently noticed some black mold under the sink in my kitchen called this company after finding them online. It took them 3 days to complete the black mold removal service and I enjoyed working with them.
- Rachel A. -
Happy Customer

Causes of Mold Growth

Molds require certain environmental conditions to grow and thrive. Listed and explained below are but a few of those conditions:

Excessively Damp Surfaces

Molds, as stated, thrive in areas that have high moisture contents. It, therefore, follows that excessively damp surfaces play a great role in encouraging their growth and subsequent proliferation. These surfaces may arise from pipe leakages, floods, or poor disposal of water, among others.

Poor Ventilation

As stated earlier, molds are fungi. They are anaerobic plants, i.e. they do well in areas that deprived of oxygen or air. This, therefore, means that conditions that are poorly ventilated provide the right conditions for their growth and proliferation.

Extremely High Humidity Levels

Other than damp surfaces, humidity levels also play a role insofar as the growths of these microorganisms are concerned. The times of the year such as summers and springs or locations that have high humidity levels do witness a surge in the number of molds.

Condensation of Atmospheric Moisture

Condensation refers to the process by which atmospheric moisture settles on surfaces and converts into liquid water. It mainly happens when warm moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces. Surfaces or times of the year that experience higher condensation levels also see a rise in the levels of the growth of molds.

Health Dangers Of Molds

Mold is potentially harmful, as has already been stated. The following list describes but a few of those dangers and health issues:

Respiratory Tract Infections

When inhaled, mold can inflict respiratory tract infections. This is because the tiny particles may get through to the lungs and constrict the passageways. In so doing, it may give rise to asthma, coughs, blocked nose, and other respiratory tract infections.

Slippery and Dangerous

Mold is slippery and dangerous. When you accidentally step on it, you might fall and injure yourself in the process. This may lead to fractures, bone dislocation, and concussions. It is for this reason that you have to make every effort to eliminate it soonest possible.

Harbors Germs

They too do harbor germs. Examples of such germs are bacteria, Plasmodium, paramecium, and other microorganisms. These germs can cause diseases such as typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, and dysentery, among others. To keep yourself safe from these diseases, you have to eliminate them.

Allergic Reactions

Some people are allergic to mold. These are persons who are asthmatic or have some other chronic respiratory tract infections. Their conditions often get worse when they inhale air that contains mold or get into direct contact with it.

The Significance of Professional Mold Remediation Services

Mold remediation is not a task for every other person. It requires specialized skill, relevant tools, and wealth of experience. For these reasons, FDP Mold Remediation of DC recommends that you seek only the intervention of a licensed and professional mold remediation company. The following are the major reasons that underlie this:

Possession of the Right Tools-of-Trade

As stated, getting rid of mold from surfaces requires specialized pieces of equipment. You the ordinary homeowner might not have them or know how to use them well. Professional companies, on the other hand, have these tools of the trade. They are thus properly equipped to carry out the tasks above.

A Wealth of Work Experience

Apart from possessing the relevant tools for the job, such companies also have plenty of work experience. They earn this by having been engaged in the field of mold removal for a fairly long duration of time. This makes them suited to do a comparatively better job than you.

Technical Expertise

Certified mold remediation companies also have the skill necessary to remove mold thoroughly. For instance, they know how to man the various pieces of equipment as well as how to approach the various surfaces and mold intensities. You may also not possess such knowledge. This is why you would rather delegate this role to a professional company.

Skilled Manpower

Lastly, such companies have a skilled workforce that is necessary to run the various machines, tools, and tasks. They hire only competent, experienced, and highly-skilled specialists. Because of this, they are better-placed to do a better and satisfying job than you would ordinarily do.

The Importance of Timely Invasions

In light of the issues above, it is necessary that you act fast to get rid of mold in your home or office. Our company, FDP Mold Remediation of DC has identified some of the grounds that underlie this recommendation. They explained hereunder:

Prevent Further Damages

Mold can damage surfaces, household furniture, and so on. A timely intervention prevents further damages by sparing newer surfaces and limiting damages to the existing surfaces only. The earlier you seek the intervention, the better it is for you.

Forestall the Associated Dangers and Injuries

Apart from damages to household furniture and equipment, mold can also injure or pose other kinds of issues. By seeking timely intervention, you get to forestall these extra associated dangers and injuries as well. You, therefore, make your household safer and more secure for better habitability.

Save Time and Money

Mold remediation in DC also saves you time and money in the future. This is brought about by the combined benefits of reduced damages to property and the prevention of further damages. You, therefore, get to accrue some economic benefits as well over and above the non-economic ones.

Enhance the Health of the Household Occupants

Generally speaking, a timely mold remediation undertaking has the impact of enhancing the overall health of your household's occupants. Those who are asthmatic or sensitive to these tiny pores will particularly find such a timely intervention healthy.

Mold Remediation in Washington, DC

The verdict is clear! As you may well have noted by now, our company, FDP Mold Remediation of DC, indeed has all that needed to mitigate molds in the home area. We understand this issue of mold remediation inside out. We also possess all the relevant tools-of-trade and technical expertise necessary for a proper outcome.

For all your mold remediation needs in Washington DC, look to no other company apart from ours. Call us now at 202-779-9579 to request an estimate or book an appointment. We would be glad to assist you!

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